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A BlockBook is a framework for collaboration between content creators, allowing them to gain visibility through Influential people.

Each new BlockBook contains a visual, musical and written element that make up the early skeleton of a multi-media project. When a new BlockBook is released, it contains the art, music and/or the opening paragraph to the text. These are known as sparks and are usually created by influential content creators we call Architects. Once its live, users can purchase ‘blocks’ within it, which grants them access to contribute their content to the ongoing piece, becoming a ‘contributor’.

A BlockBook can be a fictional story, music stems, an essay, a design, artwork, a set of lyrics, you name it. In all cases, its purpose is to allow creatives to collaborate with like-minded people, and to contribute to the growth of the intellectual property value of that project, while simultaneously earning visibility and credit amongst like minded people. Imagine a platform that allows an influential musician to release a music stem and allow their audiences and fans to design the artwork, write the lyrics remix and record the track. We empower audiences to become super creators for the people they most love.

In the following sections, we’ll break down in further detail how each of the elements work, and how you can benefit from becoming a contributor to a BlockBook.

Each block book houses content of likeminded individuals which play a part in growing a community and world, using influencial people as a platform of visibility and inspiration.
An ‘Architect’ is an influential content creator that creates the initial building blocks of each BlockBook. Their work serves as a cue, setting up the framework within which contributors can then add their content to the ongoing projects.

The team here at BlockBook will be primarily tasked with commissioning high profile Architects to create the best possible frameworks for the community to enjoy. In the future, we plan to open this up so that anyone can become an Architect.
In order to contribute to a BlockBook, all a user has to do is purchase a block within it. By purchasing a block and contributing to the book, a user gains 1) visibility and  2) 200 IP credits, representing their portion of ownership in the book.

Once a block is purchased and a contribution made to the book, the user becomes a ‘Contributor’, and joins a private chat among the Architects and other contributors to that book, opening further avenues for collaboration within the group.
Although the majority of BlockBook's proceeds are sent to support Architects, some BlockBooks have their own funds, which is money that can only be accessed by the Architects and contributors to that particular book. Funds can be used in any way the group chooses, via a voting system, to further the project, including but not limited to creating merchandise, creating physical copies of the work, adapting the story to film, and more. Voting will be hosted through the private chat, and initially proposed by the architects. This model is reserved for BlockBooks looking to crowdfund future projects vs. supporting influencers.

This social and collaborative bond surrounding a shared pool of resources holds all the characteristics of a Decentralised Autonomous Organisation (DAO): voting rights, shared ownership, shared risk, and common cause or project.
V. Intellectual Property Credits 
For each contribution made to a BlockBook, users accrue IP credits, reflecting contribution points to that specific BlockBook and overall in the BlockBook ecosystem. It is a way to show participation and sets up users for future rewards and redeeming purposes.

Upon making an entry into a BlockBook, contributors transfer the IP rights of their content to BlockBook (TQOE Lda.) in exchange IP credits. This process allows each book to compile, organize, and thematically structure collaborative contributions from individuals worldwide. Each block on your profile encapsulates your intellectual property, as represented by your IP credits.

Your contribution block has the potential to be transferred to other individuals in the future, effectively transferring your intellectual property rights along with it. By contributing to a BlockBook, you indirectly license its intellectual property rights, becoming a co-owner of the collective output. Some blocks may hold higher value and receive greater rewards, reflecting the impact they have on the overall output.

This model also paves the way for future commercialization of these commodities in major industries such as film, gaming, publishing, merchandise, and the metaverse.

BlockBook (TQOE Lda.) will support and oversee the management of contracts and proposals for the licensing of blocks. IP credit holders will be remunerated in a transparent, proportional, and secure manner, ensuring fair compensation for their contributions.
We leverage blockchain infrastructure to consolidate metadata and content, ensuring the provenance of all input while facilitating transparent distribution of proceeds and monetization. This technology empowers us to embed rights and ownership in a digital asset, adding value and authenticity. When you create an account with BlockBook, you establish a non-custodial wallet, laying the foundation for asset ownership and transfers. Each contribution to a Block mints an ERC-721 NFT directly into your wallet, encrypting your content into its metadata. This transferable NFT encompasses the rights and benefits of the platform for its possessor. Your content will always be directly traceable to you, the creator.

We are a multichain project however, our initial BlockBooks, akin to NFT collections, are deployed on Polygon.
We have partnered up with Crossmint, the leaders in Web3 onboarding and payment security. Visit their site for more Information:
We believe in freedom of expression. BlockBook does not take a position of authority over creativity and how it is subjected to each unique individual and will NEVER censor, change or eliminate any content created on our platform, unless it has a direct impact on our financial well-being. We can and will take action against royalty farming activity and anything else that is brought about by bad actors, and that jeopardises the stability of our ecosystem.




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